Training for Trainers Session on Gender-Sensitive Heat Action Plans for Colombo, Sri Lanka

September 27th, 2023 | 14:00 to 16:00 IST

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Training for Trainers Session on Gender-Sensitive Heat Action Plans for Colombo, Sri Lanka

September 27th, 2023 | 14:00 to 16:00 IST

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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Over the past decades, heat waves and heat stress connected to global warming and climate  changes have become more frequent and severe. As Sri Lanka is exposed and vulnerable to heat related impacts, SLYCAN Trust is conducting a capacity-building exercise on integrating heat stress management into policy processes and developing evidence-based guidelines for gender sensitive heat planning in Sri Lanka, with a special focus on the Colombo Municipal Council area. 

This Training for trainers programme aims to leverage scientific evidence and best practices to address heat stress systematically at various administrative levels in Colombo. Moreover, it aims to establish a platform where government officers, particularly those linked to the Colombo Municipal Council Public Health Department, can share insights and experiences related to public health and the challenges posed by heat in Colombo


  • Disseminating knowledge on heat stress and the development of replicable, spatially differentiated, gender-sensitive, and inclusive heat adaptation plans and guidelines.
  • Building capacities of key institutional stakeholders for policy integration and implementation of urban heat stress management, mitigation, and adaptation.
  • Developing an effective communication strategy to ensure outreach and knowledge- sharing among different stakeholder groups across all levels.
  • Enhancing awareness on heat-related impacts of climate change and vulnerabilities and sharing lessons learned and good practices.


Participation in the event will be limited to 50 officers representing  Colombo Municipal Council Public Health Department. Prospective participants will be mandated to provide input on heat stress management and gender sensitive heat planning within the context of their organisations. For additional details or clarifications regarding the event, please feel free to reach out to us at

Guidelines & Templates

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