Dr. Sandra Piesik

Dr Sandra Piesik is an award-winning architect, author and researcher specialising in the implementation of global sustainable legislation, nature-based solutions and traditional knowledge adaptation. She is the founder of 3 ideas B.V. Amsterdam based consultancy, a Visiting Professor at the UCL Global Institute for Prosperity, former Policy Support Consultant on Rural – Urban Dynamics to UNCCD and a contributor to the UN-HABITAT “Urban-Rural Linkages: Guiding Principles and Framework for Action to Advance Integrated Territorial Development”.

Dr Piesik is a stakeholder and network member of several UN organisations including UNFCCC: The Resilience Frontiers, the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB) and Climate and Technology Centre & Network (CTCN).

Her published work includes Arish: Palm-Leaf Architecture (published by: Thames & Hudson in 2012), she is also the general editor of the encyclopaedia, HABITAT: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet (published by: Thames & Hudson, Abrams Books, Flammarion, Editions Detail and Blume in 2017).  


Dr. Kusum Lata

Kusum Lata is a professional in the field of climate change working on policies, strategies, capacity building. Presently, she is a well-known expert on economic diversification and just transition of the workforce while she leads the support to international negotiations on the impact of the mitigation policies. She has written technical papers for international negotiations, research papers in reputed journals and chapters in books in the area of her progressive career. She spent the first fifteen years of her career working in India on developing technology for bio-methanation (waste to energy) and biomass gasification and shares two patents through her research.  She completed her doctorate in the field of waste to energy and published many research papers in reputed journals for her doctoral degree research work. Later, she also established herself as qualified technical lead assessor and undertook more than fifty audits in the duration of five years with UNFCCC for accrediting organizations for validating and verifying carbon emission reduction projects. She enjoys working on projects which directly impact the life of people especially in developing countries, which inspired her to work over six months in Togo, Africa to support development and implementation of projects like efficient cook stoves, waste management etc.


Mr. Christoph Schwarte

Christoph Schwarte is a qualified German lawyer with over 20 years of practical experience in different arenas of international environmental law. He is the executive director of Legal Response International (LRI) - a London based charity that provides free legal support to developing countries and civil society observer organisations in connection with the international climate negotiations. Christoph was a member of the International Law Association’s Committee that developed legal principles related to climate change (adopted in 2014) and has been actively involved in the international climate negotiation for many years. He has co-authored a guide book on the Paris Agreement and regularly advises on climate law. Previously, Christoph served with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) as an Associate Officer (P-2) and worked at the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD).


Dr. Moustapha Kamal Gueyeata

Dr Moustapha Kamal Gueye is Coordinator, Green Jobs Programme, at the International Labour Organization. Previously, he served as Head, Green Economy Advisory Services at the United Nations Environment Programme and as a Senior Programme Manager at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva. Earlier, he spent twelve years across Asia working at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies in Japan. He currently serves in the Steering Group of the Green Economy Coalition and the Advisory Committee of GEO for Business. Kamal holds a Ph.D. from Nagoya University, Japan; DEA and LL.M from Dakar University; and Executive Certificates from the World Bank Institute; Columbia University; Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, Japan; and Integrated Research and Action for Development, India.

L’Atelier sur les Pertes et Dommages, la Mobilité Humaine et Lancement du Partenariat avec le Niger

10 janvier 2023
Hotel Noom de Niamey, Niger

L’Atelier sur les Pertes et Dommages, la Mobilité Humaine et Lancement du Partenariat avec le Niger

10 janvier 2023
Hotel Noom de Niamey, Niger


Le changement climatique constitue une menace pour le développement des pays et cela conduit les communautés à se déplacer. La mobilité humaine est aujourd’hui exacerbée par les variations climatiques. Pour prendre des mesures pour faire face aux menaces et aux impacts climatiques, SLYCAN Trust a signé un accord de partenariat avec le Conseil National de l’Environnement pour un Développement Durable (CNEDD) et mènera des activités au Niger pendant cinq (5) ans. 

En effet, cet atelier est organisé dans le cadre de l’élaboration de l’étude portant sur la mobilité humaine et les changements climatiques au Niger. Le but est de soutenir les politiques et les actions fondées sur des données probantes liées au changement climatique et au développement durable couplée à la visite de la Directrice Exécutive de SLYCAN Trust au Niger. 


  • Identifier les aspects clés liés au changement climatique, aux pertes et dommages et à la mobilité humaine au Niger

  • Initier l'élaboration d'une carte des parties prenantes liées au changement climatique et à la mobilité humaine pour le Niger

  • Identifier les lois et politiques clés et contribuer à l'analyse des politiques publiques sur la mobilité humaine induite par le changement climatique ainsi que la prise en compte des pertes et dommages.

  • Contribuer à l'identification et au développement d'actions et à la résolution des principaux besoins et lacunes techniques pour faire face aux pertes et dommages induits par le climat et à la mobilité humaine au Niger.

  • Just transition in the energy sector
    - Key elements to ensure just transition in the energy sector
    - Gaps and challenges faced in integrating aspects and strategies of just transition in the energy sector
    - Institutional structures and role of actors in achieving just transition in the energy sector
    - Entry points and opportunities for integrating just transition into climate policy initiatives and actions
    - Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives

  • Ensuring just transition in the food sector
    - Key elements of just transition and their relation to global and local food systems
    - Gaps and challenges faced in integrating aspects and strategies of just transition in the food sector
    - Institutional structures and role of actors in achieving just transition in the food sector
    - Entry points and opportunities for integrating just transition into climate policy initiatives and actions
    - Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives

  • Gender, inclusion, social protection, and cross-cutting aspects related to just transition
    - Key cross-cutting aspects related to just transition
    - Interlinks for integration of just transition with climate action and into different climate policy and action processes
    - Impacts of COVID-19 and the role of recovery actions in contributing toward just transition
    - Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives

Panelistes / Intervenants

Dr. Kamaye Maazou

Secrétaire Exécutif du CNEDD, Niger

Mme. Vositha Wijenayaka

Directrice Exécutive
SLYCAN Trust Global

M. Sani Ayouba

SLYCAN Trust Niger

M. Issa Garba

SLYCAN Trust Niger

M. Adamou Sani

Responsable du projet CLIMIS Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies Droits de l’Homme

M. Tamadia Abdoulaye

Spécialiste MECC
l’OIM Niger

Mr. Samuel Adunreke

Secrétaire Permanent du Cadre de Concertation sur la Migration