Climate change is felt across the globe, threatening the livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities and leading to acute or chronic food insecurity and climate-related disasters, which are in turn aggravated by underlying socio-economic vulnerabilities. These impacts highlight the need to focus on the adverse effects created by climate change on the economic sector, and the ways countries and peoples are striving to address them.
The concept of just transition and strategies that were first introduced by labor unions and environmental justice groups have become key elements for addressing climate change in a more inclusive and just manner. Additionally, aspects of just transition such as capacity building and skills development, social protection, inclusive and participatory processes, and gender responsive/transformative actions are vital for climate action in key sectors.
To engage stakeholders in a discussion on just transition, policy initiatives at national and international level, and application of the concept in climate action, SLYCAN Trust together with contributing partners will host a virtual summit on 3rd and 4th of December that includes the participation of multiple stakeholders.
Objectives of the Virtual Summit on the Just Transition include:
Enhancing the understanding of just transition and the application of the concept and strategies into climate action at national and international level.
Integration of just transition and its elements into key processes such as the review of Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans.
Multi-stakeholder engagement on the thematic area of just transition under the UNFCCC process.
Just transition in the energy sector
- Key elements to ensure just transition in the energy sector
- Gaps and challenges faced in integrating aspects and strategies of just transition in the energy sector
- Institutional structures and role of actors in achieving just transition in the energy sector
- Entry points and opportunities for integrating just transition into climate policy initiatives and actions
- Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives
Ensuring just transition in the food sector
- Key elements of just transition and their relation to global and local food systems
- Gaps and challenges faced in integrating aspects and strategies of just transition in the food sector
- Institutional structures and role of actors in achieving just transition in the food sector
- Entry points and opportunities for integrating just transition into climate policy initiatives and actions
- Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives
Gender, inclusion, social protection, and cross-cutting aspects related to just transition
- Key cross-cutting aspects related to just transition
- Interlinks for integration of just transition with climate action and into different climate policy and action processes
- Impacts of COVID-19 and the role of recovery actions in contributing toward just transition
- Success stories, best practices, and experience sharing on initiatives
Opening session including an expert panel discussion on key thematic areas, followed by a multi-stakeholder dialogue
Team Lead - Mitigation Impact Assessment Support
Director – Legal
Response Initiative
Coordinator – Green Jobs Programme
Director Architect
3 ideas B.V
Introductory presentations by two experts on the topic, followed by a dialogue with multi-stakeholder participants focusing on the key questions outlined above.
Head of Governing Board
Yayasan Mitra Hijau
Project Director – Climate & Energy in Asia
Council Advisor
Environment and Just Transition for the Federation of Workers of Quebec (FTQ)
Coal Policy Coordinator
CAN Europe
Senior Consultant
Introductory presentations by two experts on the topic, followed by a dialogue with multi-stakeholder participants focusing on the key questions outlined above.
Executive Director
Founder & Director
Nourishing Food Systems
Co-founder & CEO
International Policy & Public Affairs Specialist
Proveg International
Programme Manager
Introductory presentations by two experts on the topic, followed by a dialogue with multi-stakeholder participants focusing on the key questions outlined above.
Unit Lead - ACE|Gender|Youth
Director – Research and Education
Chief Executive Officer
Research and Education
CarbonCare InnoLab
Head of Knowledge Management & Scientific Affairs
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
Director – Ecotechnology
Women’s Environment and Development Organisation
Development Consultant
Live & Learn
Climate Protection Fellow
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
Senior Principal Adviser on Small Island Developing States
Unit Lead – ACE|Gender|Youth
Coal Policy Coordinator
CAN Europe
Chief Executive Officer
CarbonCare InnoLab
Founder & Director
Nourishing Food Systems
Senior Consultant
International Policy & Public Affairs Specialist
Proveg International
Registrations for the summit will be open from 11th November, 2020 via SLYCAN Trust’s website:
For additional information related to speaking slots and partnerships, kindly contact SLYCAN Trust’s Executive Director Vositha Wijenayake directly by email: