Primer: Landslide Risk, Human Mobility, and Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in Sri Lanka

November 27, 2023

Resource Type

Case Study



Geographical Focus

Sri Lanka

Created On :
November 27, 2023

The rising frequency and intensity of disasters and other impacts related to climate change, including landslides, pose a significant challenge to countries and communities around the world. Sri Lanka, a tropical South Asian island nation, is particularly vulnerable to landslides due to its geographical and topographical characteristics.

With a history of landslides and a high population density in landslide-prone areas, Sri Lanka has been struggling with the impacts and implications of these disasters for decades. Moreover, the impacts of landslides extend beyond immediate physical damage, affecting human mobility and leading to long-term loss and damage that has both economic and non-economic elements.

This case study focuses on the nexus between landslide risk, human mobility, and climate-induced loss and damage in Sri Lanka. It aims to provide a better understanding of the complex relationships between these issues and their implications for the country. Based on direct engagement with affected communities, local authorities, and national government actors, the case study explores the multifaceted nature of the problem and identify potential strategies for addressing it, particularly in the context of voluntary immobility and planned relocation or resettlement out of high-risk areas.

This publication has been developed as part of SLYCAN Trust's work programme on loss and damage in partnership with the National Building Research Organisation, Sri Lanka.

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